The Call of the Gongs & Crystal Bowls
Out of the many different healing and awakening instruments, I am very drawn to the sounds and frequencies of the Gongs and Crystal singing bowls. These high vibrational energy instruments create a balance like the yang and yin when played in succession during a session.

Their sounds are like a Cosmic Divine Dance
My call to the gongs happened after my first introduction during a gong practitioner course 7 years ago. From the first moment I played them, I was completely captivated by the mysterious cosmic sounds. I then introduced my first gong, the Paiste Sun gong, in my yoga classes and I immediately experienced the transformational affects on the group from the gong vibrations.
People started asking for more and more gong playing as the deeper Silence within themselves was being touched more easily. This powerful combination of meditative yoga and Gong healing was thus born. From the first strike of a gong, there is a possibility of immediate shifting from thinking into Being. It is very usual for the body to naturally drift into sleep, while the cellular tissues receive an inner massage. Deep psyche release is brought about through the powerful vibrations, and new neuronal connections can be created expanding a conscious bridge to multi-dimensions, opening the door to a profound Cosmic Journey.

It’s the most transformative instrument, with it’s powerful, non structured sound
waves that are continuously rising, falling and returning to its source. With its complex synthesis of blended overtones, the practitioner is permitted to receive in a complete new way, where no single sound wave is the same.
The sound waves are so complex and unpredictable that the linear logical mind cannot grasp nor compartmentalize it, thus enabling the attention to transcend and float away in sweet surrender, naturally entering the realms of Spirit.
The practitioner may enter the transcendental state of Shunya- known as Nothingness, or the state of Silence and Infinite Oneness.

The Sound of Silence… The Sound of Creation
As I experience the Gongs as such powerful, transforming healing instruments, I feel that the tones of the Crystal Singing Bowls provide the perfect companionship to bring balance and harmony to the whole energy system. They open up different layers to a more ethereal realm of lightness with its angelic sounds.
Their Crystalline clear sounds and pure tones are recognized by the crystalline structures of the physical body, the certain frequencies resonate with the certain chakras and organs, deeply healing on a cellular level.
The Crystal Quartz and Alchemy Crystal Bowls I play are very high vibrational which aligns, attunes and entrains your energy system to the surrounding frequency field. This creates a harmonic container to breathe, feel and heal to a more optimal range of experience.

They open channels of sacred wisdom which unlock and integrate ancient and ancestral knowledge as well as future foresight..
They invoke a compassionate, soothing and nurturing harmonic field which effortlessly clears and cleanses while gently balancing and re-centering.
They tune and re-calibrate cellular chemistry for optimal vitality and well being, stimulating and amplifying inner light with ease.
They support a release of out-dated conditioning to advance growth, transformation and actualization of Soul Purpose. They expand consciousness with humble grace and embodied strength.
As you can see, the healing properties of the bowls and gongs are infinite. They are my trusted energy instruments that hold the capacity to move you repeatably beyond separateness, to oneness, integration, and wholeness of mind. In this free state, your limiting sense of time, space and separation from the universe, simply falls away and all that is left is WHAT IS.
This is a dance between the knowledge of the science of music & the mystery of sacred sound…

My growing gong collection:
Paiste gongs: The Sun gong, The Earth gong, synodic Moon, planetary Earth.
Martis Blaise: Titanium Heaven gong, Bronze Earth gong, Titanium Ananda heart gong, Oblong gong.
Meinl: Flower of life,
My Crystal Tones:
Alchemy crystal bowls.. a beautiful Endocrine set primarily tuned to 528 Hz, the tuning of Unconditional Love and DNA repair.
Several selected frequencies of Sound Galaxies quartz crystal bowls
These are very angelic frequencies.
Every Soundhealing will be supported by some more of my divers instruments collection:
Rainwater sticks, koshi chimes, a crystal tuning fork, a crystal harp, Tibetan singing bowls, theta ocean drum, sansula, framedrum, water rattles, mono chord, etc …
A yoga evening with Barbara is really a ME-Time!!
Lovely, calming, relaxing yoga, through which I, partially because of her pleasant voice, am able to release stress, tension, and the hectic of the day and I arrive in a relaxed flow.
Angelic atmospheres and sounds of the gongs and crystal bowls make this moment complete. The use of heavenly tones, create vibrations which help me to release different emotions. Mostly the night afterwards I sleep like an angel and I feel more strong and present the days following. Basically it’s a treasure I gift my self every week!!
– Jolanda