The Heart of Yoga
Since the age of 15, yoga has occupied a major part of my life. A strong indescribable force, like a soul calling, drew me unto the path of yoga where I discovered the teachings that somehow I always knew existed. My journey of self-inquiry guided me into internal exploration of multidimensional landscapes as well as external terrain. I traveled around the world to practice with the most renowned teachers, I dove deep into the traditional yogic lifestyle of India & studied the teachings thoroughly.
The Sanskrit word yoga comes from ‘Yoke’ = to Unite.
The ancient wisdom teachings have its origin in the Vedas, the oldest record of Indian culture.
The scriptures cover every aspect of human life. A resolve on physical, mental and spiritual level ; to raise the opportunity to live a balanced and harmonious life, with ultimately the potential for awakening to your Highest Truth ( unite with the Infinite Source )

Thousands of years ago, a wise Indian sage named Pantanjali, blessed humanity with a manual for self-realization. He prescribed a way called the eightfolded path:
This system includes these steps:
-Yama’s: discipline concerning our dealings with society and the world (how to be in right relationship with society and others)
-Niyamas: personal discipline (how to be in right relationship with yourself)
-Asanas: postures how to keep the body fit and healthy; preparation to sit in meditation
-Pranayama: breathing exercises; directing our Prana or life force energies
-Pratyahara: to withdraw oneself from that which nourishes the senses
-Dharana: holding the concentration or focus of attention in one direction
-Dhyana: the connection or communication between self and object
-Samadhi: we succeed in becoming so absorbed in something that our mind merges with it; so from the stillness expanded awareness and uniting with the Self, Universal Consciousness may be achieved

As revealed in the Upanishads, the Soul is embodied in five layers known as Koshas. These layers give the soul a presence in the form of a physical body that breathes, a mind that thinks and emotions and intellect that act. To help our soul unite with its true nature ‘Atman’ (eternal Bliss), and to ultimately unite with the ‘Brahman’ (the Absolute Reality), we need to live our life aligned with cosmic law at each level or Kosha.
Ancient Vedic literature says – ‘Infinity alone can satisfy man’ . Achieving Infinity is possible only when each Kosha is potentially open and accessible to the individual. As the koshas are penetrated, by reflecting inwardly, we go down to the depth of consciousness and towards Atman.
The Wellness of each Kosha is the Key to achieve Alignment of the Soul with its true Nature.
Therefore, I combine the tools of traditional Yoga to cleanse the koshas, integrated with Soundmedicine to achieve manifold benefits on all levels.
Each session includes guided physical movements (asana), Breathing exercises (pranayama), Mantra, Meditation, and a Soundhealing blissful Savasana. This accelerated approach create the inner conditions for tremendous healing, alignment & transformation for the body-mind-soul.

The benefits
Healing , alignment & transformation for body, mind and soul.
~ deep relaxation,
~ eliminating stress,
~ promoting health on physical, mental and emotional level,
~ direct access to your intuition,
~ improved memory,
~ beneficial for many health issues,
~ improvement for athletic skills
~ increased contentment, peace, joy, happiness,
rejuvenation & revitalisation
~ living a purposeful life
~ heart-brain coherence
Always we hope someone else has the answer,
Some other place will be better,
Some other time it will all turn out.
This is it.
No one else has the answer,
No other place will be better,
and it has already turned out…At the Center of your being,
You have the answer:
You know who you are and
You know what you want.
There is no need to run outside for better seeing,
Nor to peer from a window..
Rather abide in the Center of your Being:
For the more you leave it, the less you learn .
Search your heart and see
the way to do is to Be.
Abide in the Center of your Being
– Lao Tzu

“Yoga has been a very important part of my life for a longtime. Meditation and Sound healing definitely has a surprisingly positive effect on my health and gives me balance where it is needed. Classes with Barbara have been an essential part of my life and I look so forward to them every week. The expertise she has acquired through years of trainings around the world and her constant drive for self improvement is clearly present in her teachings and classes. She guides with so much love and personal care and opens your chakras with the help of different sources. It’s an experience which makes your life more complete and an addition you owe to yourself!!
With love,”
– Valerie
“A yoga session with Barbara is like a homecoming. The whole entourage of it from her gentle calming presence to the way in which she is guiding the session helps me to arrive in my own deep inner strength. I rediscover every time again and again my peace and Conscious Awareness. Adding another layer of dimension to the whole experience is the incorporation of the playing of the gongs, crystal bowls, and other instruments.”
– Lieve